Saturday, August 10, 2019

Jeffery Epstein's suicide is a reminder that the elite don't care what you think. Everyone knew that the Oligarchs were going to kill Epstein. But this a virtual slap in the face. We are supposed to believe that an important prisoner, on suicide watch, somehow managed to gather the necessary materials to hang himself. We are also being asked to believe that the guards left him alone, and that the surveillance cameras were down just long enough for Epstein to do himself in.

This is a joke. The Oligarchs know that no one believes that Epstein's death was a suicide. Commentators on almost every alternative media site referred to him as a walking dead man. They all knew that it was only a matter of time before the elite got to Epstein. But the manner in which they killed him sent a message. They know what we think, and they don't care. You can also be sure that the elite are laughing at us.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Red Flag Laws

The globalists have been trying to disarm us for generations. They have been doing so in an incremental manner. The National Firearms Act of 1934 implemented shortly after the election of F. D. Roosevelt (no surprises there) was the first major step in that direction. In 1994 the Clinton administration pushed through a ban on assault weapons. Recently, bump stocks have found themselves in the sights of the oligarchs. Currently, the focus changed from laws aimed at guns themselves, to ones that target gun owners. Red flag laws target individuals considered "potentially dangerous" and make it legal for bureaucrats to confiscate their weapons.

It looks like red flag laws are simply an attempt by the elite to circumvent the gun control. The Second Amendment is clear, and difficult to bypass. So, in the name of public safety, they will avoid it entirely. The oligarchs won't have to ban weapons, just dangerous people. After all, anyone can be labeled dangerous. All it takes to end up on this list is for one family member, like an angry wife, or envious co-worker to report one to the authorities. Even minors will be subject to these laws. These laws should be considered a threat to what is left of our freedoms, and the Republic.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Be Prepared

The recent shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas demonstrate the need for an armed citizenry. The shooter in El Paso was able to inflict close to fifty casualties (dead, and wounded). The left-wing terrorist in Dayton, Ohio only managed to cause about half as many kills. One of the most important differences between the outcome of the two incidents was the presence of armed men. It looks like there were no such men willing, or able to react to the killer in El Paso. Not only did he hurt twice as many people as the Ohio shooter, but he even managed to escape. The man in Ohio wasn't that lucky. He was shot down in the street like the mad dog that he was. An unknown number of lives were saved in Dayton because there were police officers nearby. These armed men ran toward the gunfire, and nullified the threat in less than one minute.

These shooting are likely to become common. This is because America is changing for the worse. It has been intentionally balkanized. Changes in immigration policies, and the calls for demographic diversity mean that true Americans will soon be an impoverished minority in their own nation. One only has to look to Rhodesia, and the farmers in South Africa to know what this will mean. Add to this the fact that the Left has become increasingly radical in nature and you have a recipe for disaster. Aside from voting for nationalists, there is nothing that we can legally do about the new paradigm. Therefore, you need to be ready for violence. Stay away from crowded places, always have a gun on your person, and never go anywhere near a gun free zone.

Monday, August 5, 2019

The American Empire is in decline. As a southerner, the idea that the Federal boot might finally be lifted from my neck brings me some joy. But as a relatively White, patriotic, male (I prefer the label off-White nationalist) I am concerned. This is because the political vacuum that will be created by the North's loss of power will be filled by foreigners--people who want to see all White men dead, or enslaved. Sure, it might be true that most foreigners are decent people, and aren't focused on the destruction of Western Man. Their leaders, however, are a different story. And those men decide on the course of action that the barbarian waves will take. Therefore, if you're White, no matter your politics, you are the enemy. Therefore, all of you should be concerned.

The winning of the American West took place less than two hundred years ago. Yet, everywhere one looks real Americans are in retreat. One only has to look at all of the blue on electoral maps to know that those blue regions are lost to civilized men. Two of the main reasons for this loss of territory are money, and demography. The 1965 Immigration Act, abortion, and globalization have all played their part in this decline. Fewer real Americans being born, the loss of job opportunities, and the influx of a Third World workforce have resulted in mass poverty. The middle class is disappearing in places like the 'Rust Belt'. College degrees no longer guarantee a job. And Americans now have to compete with impoverished foreigners for even the lowest paying jobs. To make matters worse, real Americans are being pushed out of the electorate as their vote is diluted by waves of foreigners.

So, how do we fix this? There are a few short, and long-term actions that we can take. First, "Be fruitful and multiply." Find a good woman, and have kids while you're both still young. Second, unless you're getting a free ride, don't waste your time going to college. Go to a trade school. You'll come out with less debt, and better job prospects than any liberal arts college graduate. Third, insist that your politicians put America first. These guys ignore us most of the time, but they really seem to get focused on our concerns when they see their poll numbers slipping. Keep the metaphorical fire at their feet. Get organized, force them to listen to you, and make them vote like nationalists instead of globalists. Fourth, prepare yourself, and your family for hard times. Stay out of major cities, grow your own food, dig wells, get in shape, and learn how to defend yourself. Hopefully, in a hundred years or so, we will be able to take back our lands.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Diplomatic historians place the origins of American imperialism, or hegemony, in the 1890s. They view the Spanish American-War (1890), and President McKinley's forays into Latin America as early examples of the US exerting its influence on a global scale. The 1890 date, however, is at least twenty-five years off. This is because many historians ignore the regional, and internal struggles that imposed the North's will on the rest of the nation. Indeed the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), the North's push to dominate internal trade, and the War Between the States (1861-1865) are far better examples of Yankee imperialism.