Monday, June 29, 2020
I am reading Donald R. Hickey's book, The War of 1812. I am struck by how similar fighting 19th century Native Americans was to the 20th century conflicts versus Asiatics. The Natives had no respect for the laws of war. They tortured, and murdered prisoners; even women and children. They set buildings full of wounded men on fire. Life meant very little to them.
Anyone who has read about the US wars against Japan, Korea, and China will recognize these practices as common to most non-western enemies. The Japanese cut the heads off of British and American POWs. The Koreans burned wounded men alive. And the Vietnamese tortured anyone that they got their hands on. This should be a stark warning of what our next war against China will look like. To quote a popular sci-fi film, "Just nuke the site from orbit."
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Bookstores are part of the problem. I recently walked through a major bookstore. The military history section had almost no books on the topic. The US history section was full of anti-American works. The young adults section was full of literature meant to empower girls. There was nothing for young males. There was even a Scooby Doo book that was devoid of male characters including Scooby Doo!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Modern historians can not be trusted to do their jobs. They are no longer scholars, but Marxist propagandists. Instead of biography, war, and diplomacy they focus on race, gender, and post-modern theory. Furthermore, they no longer seek out truth, but eschew it in favor of pushing their ideology. This, according to one of my former professors (a Cuban, Marxist, Jew) has been their policy since the end of the Second World War.
These activists now run "the Academy" and do not allow dissent. They only hire good little Marxists, and moral deviants. This sad paradigm means that history is no longer a useful field of academic study. Instead of learning from the mistakes of great men, and the collapse of empires, modern historians learn about how it felt to grow up as a female slave on a plantation, or what it meant to be a textile worker during the Civil War.
There is no point in studying history in college. The modern academic historian is about as useless as the lesbian sociologist who studied gay teens in the outskirts of Moscow. There is no longer anything useful to be learned in this field. Read on your own. Focus on great leaders, and state relations. Avoid reading any history book written after the 1950s. Maybe then, you'll get something useful out of the subject.
Monday, June 22, 2020
I was surprised when I read about the number of murders that took place in Chicago over the weekend of 20-21JUN2020. At least sixteen people were killed, and about thirty were injured. Two of those people were shot in the head during a drive-by. Hitting two targets in the head from a moving vehicle is the work of a very lucky, or expert shooter. Let's hope that it was luck. The alternative might be a bit too troubling for me to handle on a Monday. The most astonishing part of the story, however, was Mayor Lori Lightfoot's (aparently no relation to Gordon Lightfoot) response to the Governor's mobilization of a small number of National Guardsmen.
Apparently, the Mayor was more concerned with the "optics" of soldiers on the streets of Chicago, than with all that blood flowing down the storm drains. This is Clown World. In any sane society, this ineffectual politician would have been removed from office. Also, more would be done in order to protect the civilian population. There would be more troops on the streets, and the police would be making mass arrests of suspected gang members.
Of course, we can't do this because we live in a polite, democratic society. It doesn't matter that there is nothing polite about America, that this was never a democracy (a synonym for mob rule), and that the Republic collapsed in 1865. Still, we have to pretend that these events do not demand a serious response because decisive action might hurt the feelings of a politician that is little more than an affirmative action appointee, and the sentiments of her voters (a mob that really shouldn't even be allowed to vote).
Here is a link to the story:
Thursday, June 18, 2020
The recent attacks on statues of men like Columbus, Churchill, and Lee represent a form of cultural terrorism. The perpetrators are trying to erase history with the ultimate goal of destroying western Man. These people are criminals of the lowest order. They should be treated as looters during a riot. We must pass legislation making it legal for good citizens to shot those curs on sight.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
I think it was Aristotle who pointed out that nature makes evil things ugly. I'm not sure if this could be considered a universal truth, but it certainly holds true with the people I see on the Left. These people hold some pretty ugly beliefs. For example, they often speak of a breaking a few eggs, or achieving their goals by "any means necessary." This usually means putting any competent person in a gulag, or up against a wall. Ever notice that the people preaching this hatred usually look like they were pulled out of the oven a few months too early? They're usually rather hideous in appearance. Just think back to all those fat, short-haired lesbians yelling toward the sky in D.C. during president Trump's inauguration. Or all the soy boys swinging bike locks at peaceful counter-protesters. Make no mistake, Marxism, and post-modern theory are evil ideologies practiced by abhorrent individuals who, in a sane world, would never have survived adolescence.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
The recent Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots represent attacks on US sovereignty. They also demonstrate the duplicity of the Oligarchy.
The War Between the States (1861-1865) claimed the lives of over 600,000 combatants, left cities in ruin, and devastated the South's economy so thoroughly that it took the region over a century to recover. This war was fought over property rights. And its first shots were the result of a disagreement over who had the right to occupy federal land. The US government has repeatedly demonstrated its resistance to ceding land.
Recently, the Federal Government deployed troops against ranchers over a dispute concerning the grazing of livestock on public land. Snipers were deployed and the ranchers were threatened with death over a legal argument. Yet, the political class not only allowed a handful of radicals to seize entire neighborhoods, but urged them on during the recent George Flyod riots.
What is the difference? It's simple. One group stood against the ruling class and their goals, while the radicals in places like Seattle serve the aims of the Oligarchy. Legally, there is little difference between southerner soldiers pushing Fedral troops out of Fort Sumpter, and drug crazed radicals forcing police out of their stations. Actually, the Confederates had more of a right to do what they did than the modern anarchists did. At least the southern states were legitimate political entities.