Friday, September 25, 2020
It is obvious that here in the West the weak survive in disproportionately high numbers. In fact, not only do they survive, but they thrive. This is evident when one looks to academia, the media, and local governments. Influential, and even powerful positions are held by aliens, feminists, and all manner of heretics. Those parasites have conditioned their host in order to create environments favorable to their survival. They use the media, economics, and laws against hate speech to accomplish this. They build up bastions and spread their infection amongst the strong. We must cleanse this infection of the body politic, or perish. It's just that simple.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
A recent Foxnews article described millions of dollars sent to the DNC by ActBlue. Half of the donors were listed as unemployed. This looks like a trend. Biden's cohort, Hillary Clinton received millions from an empty warehouse in Chinatown. Bill Clinton received millions after illegally selling ICBM technology to China. I'm guessing that the Chi-coms are funneling money to Biden through this NPO.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
I'm almost done watching season two of the Umbrella Academy. Have you ever heard of Satanic Inversion? Make what is good seem evil. Make what is evil seem good. Yeah, that's pretty much the core of this show. Save yourself some aggravation, and skip it.