Friday, October 16, 2020

Q & the Media

The US media is a mouthpiece of the global left. This is made evident by their two pronged attack on Qanon (Q). They deny Q's existence, and ridicule anyone who seems to consider it a valid news source. Meanwhile, they ask the President to disavow the movement. If Q were not a threat to the establishment, then they wouldn't be so concerned with its existence.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Another Sino-Indian War

The Chinese placed 60,000 troops on their border with India. it is well past time to cut economic ties with China and rebuild our industrial heartland.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The FBI is at it Again

The FBI is at it again. We're supposed to believe that a few guys in a militia, and not federal agents, were planning to kidnap a Governor. We're not supposed to remember the long list of similar plots that turned out to be orchestrated by the FBI or BATF. We’re also supposed to ignore the fact that these operations are always blamed on White, right-wing extremists, and not the leftists who always carry out anti-government operations.