Tuesday, November 24, 2020
It seems as if most political commentators have giving up on the President. Everywhere one looks he reads articles full of despair or a healthy dose of "realism" proclaiming the incoming Biden administration. This is a clear sign that the old conservative establishment has failed. Perhaps the most telling recent examples are Rush Limbaugh's take on the election and Victor Davis Hansen's recent article. I have to admit that Rush Limbaugh waving the white flag bugged me, but not as much as Victor D. Hanson's recent piece. I've admired Hanson's work on the state of the Classics (Who Killed Homer) and military history for decades. His seeming acceptance of the obvious corruption displayed during this election felt like a stab in the back. A true nationalist would be calling for resistance, hope at the least. Just remember boys, keep your powder dry, and keep a "stiff upper lip." Sooner or later, this empire will collapse and sink into the depths of history. We're just bailing water at this point so that a few more woman and children can make it to the lifeboats before it all goes down. https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/22/a-time-of-chaos-upon-chaos-atop-chaos/
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Known communist, and CIA paper pusher, John Brennan called for the immediate removal of President Trump from office. He claimed to be worried about what damage the President might cause before he leaves. It's obvious that the Deep State is worried. They know that we're on to their attempt to steal the 2020 election. They understand that the longer the investigation into election fraud, the fewer votes Biden and his fellow China whores will recieve. They see that the President is conducting a purge of disloyal actors, and know that they're next on the chopping block. https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-obama-cia-head-wants-trump-stripped-of-presidency-now/https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-obama-cia-head-wants-trump-stripped-of-presidency-now/
Monday, November 9, 2020
The sooner we we are rid of weak willed, and RINO Republicans the better. NASA head Jim Bridenstine is leaving his post so Joe Biden can choose a person he "trusted" to fill the role, according to Aviation Week. "The right question here is 'What's in the best interest of NASA as an agency, and what's in the best interest of America's exploration program?'" Bridenstine said. "For that, what you need is somebody who has a close relationship with the president of the United States. You need somebody who is trusted by the administration. "I think that I would not be the right person for that in a new administration. "We've had a lot of success, but it's because of relationships. "You have to have those relationships. Whoever the president is, they have to have somebody they know and trust and somebody the administration trusts. "That person is not going to be me." Bridenstine a former Republican congressman from Oklahoma who served from 2012 to 2018. As an appointee of President Donald Trump, he began working as the NASA administrator in 2018. Bridenstine set a goal for NASA to return to the moon by the end of the decade, making it the first trip since the 1970s. Read Newsmax: Newsmax - Breaking News | News Videos | Politics, Health, Finance Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now! https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/996203/16
According to Newsmax, the President will be holding rallies. He plans to illustrate some of the corruptionthat took place with the mail in ballots. Hopefully, this will expose some of the corrupt players in the DNC, and lead to arrests. The rotten DNC election machine must be smashed. https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/996049/1
Friday, November 6, 2020
The 2020 US presidential election illustrated the widespread corruption of the American political system, and the weakness of western Man. A republic is only as good as the men who compose its citizenry. Good men would not conduct, nor tolerate such corruption. They would also take action to remove corrupt politicians and their servants. Very little has been done to rectify the blatant evil acts of the establishment. Many men look to their hapless leaders to reform the system instead of taking the necessary actions themselves. Bad men make for bad governments. You get the government that you deserve.