Thursday, December 31, 2020
China has been supplying money and material to our enemies in Afghanistan. It was China, not Russia, that was paying the Taliban to kill western troops. It was ridiculous to think otherwise. It is Chinese rockets that land on our positions in Iraq and Afghanistan on a nightly basis. Furthermore, the Russians have nothing to gain from such a dangerously aggressive stance. China on the other hand is bent on opposing, and undermining, US power in every region including our own backyard.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Fr Robert Altier points out that the struggle isn'tnecessarily right vs left, but good vs evil. War is upon us. Which way western man? "There is no middle ground"
Friday, December 18, 2020
Rubio shows his support for the Biden faction. I always suspected Rubio of being a part of the Establishment. I got a bad feeling the first time that I saw him. He had that slimy, Coral Gables law student look to him. I voted for the guy, but it was only because, as usual, the Republican Party did not give me much of a choice.
This interview includes footage of Biden lying about the Obama administration's investigation of the General, and his take on martial law.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
This video shows a policeman blocking Republican electors from doing their jobs. This is a wake up call for those of you who keep saying that the cops and military are on our side.