Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Politics as Usual

The GOP's attitude toward the obvious theft of the 2020 election, and their ongoing betrayal of President Trump, proves that there really is no difference between the parties. Only a handful of Republicans supported the President. Fewer have taken a stance against the fraud that took place last November.

This has not gone unnoticed by the body politic. Most voters know that the election was stolen. They've all seen the cowardly manner in which the GOP responded to that theft. They've read the reports of Congressman wanting a secret ballot when they vote to impeach citizen Trump. No one is ever going to vote Republican again. Not until the current den of lawyers is replaced by nationalists.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The End of the US

Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election has exposed a number of faults in the American political system. While the stagnation of the economy, and cultural decline have long been evident, the problems in the political system have only been obvious to a handful of observers. The inherent danger of post-war ideas like civic nationalism, popular democracy, and free speech for all, even for those openly opposed to the welfare of the nation, have been ignored. Indeed, they have long been sacred cows immune from critical debate. The corruption openly displayed in this election made it clear to almost everyone that the system has failed. I don't see anything positive on the horizon. Representative democracy will fail. The Union (empire) itself is in danger of fracturing. Expect to see some very hard times ahead. Slavery, or vassal status, is a very real possibility. Perhaps we will get lucky and a group of loyalists will reform the system. Judging from history, however, that's not likely. There simply aren't any men in America who are willing to be another Washington; not even a Pinochet. The experiment is over.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

This is the End?

If something is going to happen in DC, it will probably take place this week. Hopefully, President Trump has the evidence and the people on his side in order to keep Biden out of office. Either way, this will signal the end of politics as usual in the US. We have seen too much. We will not be voting for any Republican who does not back a nationalistic, or MAGA platform. The act of voting itself may be dead at this point no matter who wins. Pray for President Trump, his family, and the men who defend him.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

It looks like the US-China trade war will also be focused on US companies that profit from Chinese slave labor:

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The reaction of the political class to the March on Washington (06JAN2021) reinforced the concept that there is no serious difference between the American Right and Left. Both parties are united in their disregard and/or hatred of the polity. Simply consider the decades of intentional post-war economic and cultural decline to understand this fact. America’s industrial strength was sacrificed on the altars of globalism and free trade. As a result, individual wealth, communities, and the popular culture degraded to near Third World status. Meanwhile, the Establishment and its servants grew in power. The true struggle is not between political parties. Instead, it is between those who believe in God and country, and those who suck Satan's cock in an alley behind the United Nations building. Do not trust the denizens of DC nor their mouthpieces in the media. Know that whether there is an "R" of "D" next to their names, they all serve the same master. Ignore these people. Don’t send them money. Don’t vote for them. Only support those who openly advocate for God and nationalism. Let the rest hang on their own entrails, and don't feel bad for them when their souls are cast into the Great Void.