Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Biden family dog, Champ, died of an apparent suicide. Sources claim that contrary to allegations made by other pets, including Camel Toe Harris, there was no connection beteeen his death, and his work with the Clinton Foundation.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Presidents & Generals

Compare the way in which this insubordinate nobody was treated for his offence with the way in which General Douglas MacArthur, a war hero, was treated for questioning the conduct of the war in Korea. This should also serve as a lesson for everyone who thinks that the left and the globalists will be easily defeated. The idea that the patriots will win because we have all the guns and the cops and military are on our side is false. High ranking police and military officers are little more than politicians in uniform. Some of these leaders are party members. Most of the rank and file will follow orders simply to avoid losing their pensions.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Irish Quote

I came across this quote which I think could easily be translated to our own situation in the former CSA. Even our northern oppressors could benefit from adopting a similar attitude directed toward the New urban Oligarchs:

"There can never be peace in Ireland until the foreign oppressive British presence is removed, leaving all the Irish people as a unit to control their own affairs and determine their own destinies as a sovereign people, free in mind and body, separate and distinct physically, culturally and economically."

Bobby Sands

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

More Evidence of Stupidity

White "liberal" women are paying thousands of dollars to be insulted by minorities. This is further evidence that these women are morons. It also reminds one that these people should not be allowed to vote.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

I've noticed that many comments on right leaning blogs or websites seem concerned with the possibility of civil war. These commentators are worried about the possibility of violence and the ensuing damage to the nation. The fact is, If you travel domestically and read the crime stats, you'll see that we have nothing to fear from such a conflict. Indeed, conditions for the native born population could only improve. Note that the US has already been overrun by aliens and half breeds. This is evident in dozens of towns and cities. You can see it for yourself if you go to any hardware store. You'll be hard pressed to here English being spoken. Many cities already resemble warzones. Just drive through Buffalo, NY or anywhere in Ohio and Pennsylvania and you can see the ruins for yourself. As for violence, the native population already endures rape, assaults, and murder at the hands of the former slave class on a daily basis. Just listen to the news with the knowledge that any time you don't see a photo or here the race of the criminal, it's one of those people. You can also view the FBI crime stats prior to their censorship by the Obama administration and see the real disparity in the racial make-up of violent criminals. Basically, the American people have nothing to lose from civil war. They're already living through one without knowing it, and without any post-war objectives.