Monday, July 27, 2020

The Enemy Within

The US is moving toward a period of internal strife. This new paradigm could be an economic upheaval, a civil war, a major war with China, or a combination. The nation is full of aliens, and traitors. These people could constitue a fifth column. Some of these hostiles are recent arrivals, but many have been here for generations.

The nation's enemies entrenched themselves in law, academia, and the media. They have worked for generations in an attempt impoverish, and otherwise undermine the American people. These people are easy to identify. They should be rounded up, and deported. This will save us all a great deal of pain in the near future.

NYT 1619 Project

The 1619 Project is about as anti-American as it gets. The NYT, and all the schools that support it, should be defunded, and have their staffs purged. Even this, however, is too little, too late. The kids have already been brainwashed by the Left to hate America, and even themselves.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Protestor Exchange

  • It might make sense to swap protesters between China, and the US. Protestors in Portland want left-wing tyranny. Give it to them. Send them to China. We can exchange them for the people seeking a freer life in China. It would be a win-win for the US.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Are we supposed to believe that a lawyer shot the Federal Judge, left a gun near the scene, and then shot himself with another gun? Okay.

Fed Judge Attacked

The family of a Federal Judge named Esther Alas were attacked in their home. Alas' son and husband were shot during the attack. 

This attack probably had nothing to do with her being appointed by Obama, or her work on several corruption cases including one involving Jeffery Epstein.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Roger Stone Article

I came across a link to this Roger Stone article  on another blog. It is worth reading.

Another one bites the dust

Congressman John Lewis of Georgia died earlier today.

The servants of the anti-American Oligarchy are dropping like flies. Some are being voted out, others, like Lewis, are dying of old age and disease. Hopefully, we will be reading a similar story about Ginsburg sometime before the end of President Trump's second term.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Eliot Engel, a prominent member of the DNC, was just knocked out in the primaries by the nearly unknown radical, Jamall Bowman. It's lose/lose for America, both of these men are enemies of our nation. Still, one can't help but laugh at the sight of these radicals turning on their creators. The extreme Left, and the invaders invited in by these globalists are voting for people who are not part of the Establishment. These politically weaponized foreigners who were meant to offset the voting power of real Americans are actually eating away at the power base of the Left.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Know Who Rules You

Know Who Rules You. A black entertainer named Nick Cannon was recently qouted in an interview in which he insulted both Whites, and Jews. He was fired, and forced to apologize. Of course, he only apologized to the Jews. He maintained his stance on what he termed the "barbaric" and "cowardly" Whites.

Remember, "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Rewards of Tolerance

A New York City police official, Terrance Monahan, was injured by a violent protestor while aiding in an arrest earlier today (15JUL2020). Monahan was one of the Quislings who "took a knee" in front of rioters earlier this month. If Monahan was expecting to be spared by the mob for his cowardly act, he was obviously mistaken.

This incident reminds one of a fictional proverb: "The rewards of tolerance are treachery, and death."

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ruth Ginsberg is in the hospital again. This could be the end for her. Probably not. Evil has a way of lingering on the Material Plane
 of Existence.

Monday, July 13, 2020

US War with China?

The US is currently challenging China's territorial claims in the South China Sea. The provocation was both verbal, and physical in nature. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described China's policies as "unlawful." Meanwhile, two US Navy carrier groups have been conducting training operations in the region.

Such provocations could end badly for the American Empire. The US is heavily in debt. It can't afford a war. It is also overextended in the Middle East, and Central Asia. A new large scale conflict would require serious resources which the nation simply does not possess. Most US industry has been shipped to China thanks to globalists and free trade zealots.  Add to this the problem of logistics. US forces would rely on unreliable allies, or vulnerable supply lines that are thousands of miles long. Simply put, the Chinese have almost all of the advantages.

Indeed, winning a conventional  war against China would be more difficult than any war in US history. The Americans face numerous challenges. The Chinese would be fighting in their own backyard. The Chinese have spent decades preparing for such a conflict. They have a massive army, and in a pinch would be able to draft a conscript force larger than the US population. The Chinese could also rely on a massive fifth column within the US. They have over three million people in America. The Chinese have taken control of the Panama Canal, and important resources throughout much of Africa, and Latin America.

The theatre of operations itself would prove challenging for the US. The Chinese built and hardened a number of artificial islands in the South Sea. Chinese aircraft can easily operate from those artificial islands for weeks without being resupplied from the mainland. The Chinese have developed a web of defenses which some planners think might be capable of detecting US stealth aircraft. Most threatening, the Chinese have developed "carrier killers." These anti-ship missiles are capable of sinking American aircraft carriers. The loss of even a single carrier would constitute a major loss of US power and prestige.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The New York Times (NYT) admitted that their Russia/Taliban story was a lie. The story claiming that the Russians were paying the Taliban bounties for dead US troops was an effective piece of propaganda. It served to undermine public perception of the Trump administration, the peace process, and US-Russian relations. Furthermore, it  engendered the fear of another impeachment trial. Luckily, it didn't work.

This isn't the first time that the "Paper of Record" has been caught manufacturing news. The fact that anyone still takes the NYT seriously is difficult to believe. They have repeatedly shown themselves to be an illegitimate news source. It's far past time to relegate the paper, and most legacy media, to the ash heap of history.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Crow/Cheney Amendment

Congress recently showed its true colors. Democrat and Republican legislators voted to counter President Trump's policy objectives, and keep US troops in both Afghanistan, and Germany. The congressmen cited human rights concerns for the former, and the threat of Russia for the latter.

Surely, the Establishmnet's hatred of the President is one of the main reasons behind this "bi-partisan: legislation.  There is, however, more to this matter. This legislation is meant to hurt the US. It is an effort to keep the nation's military overextended. It also means that the nation will continue to bleed both men and treasure. This is a criminal endeavor, and it should be treated as such.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Russia Consolidates Power

It looks like having stabilized his own power by being elected President for life, President Vladimir Putin is doing the same for his nation. The recent amendments to the Russian Constitution are aimed at ensuring that the disastrous break-up that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union will not be repeated. This is a positive development. The West will need a strong Russia, UK, and Europe in order to help counter China's "peaceful growth" toward super-power status.

Link to relevant article:

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

According to The Chicago Sun Times, at least eighteen people were shot in Chicago yesterday (30JUN2020). That's about twice as many casualties as those sustained by Afghan security forces on one of their worst days last month. Those eighteen shootings were only a small fraction of the nearly five hundred that have taken place since the first of January. This means that Chicago is a far deadlier place than one of the most hellish warzones on the planet. This is bad news, but there is a silver lining.

This violence demonstrates the weakness of the DNC. In a recent article Investor's Business Daily pointed out that cities like Chicago, and Detroit have been run by the Left for decades. Chicago has been a DNC stronghold since at least the 1930s. It should be made clear to the denizens of those cities that there are alternatives. As President Trump stated, what do they have to lose?