Thursday, December 31, 2020

China has been supplying money and material to our enemies in Afghanistan. It was China, not Russia, that was paying the Taliban to kill western troops. It was ridiculous to think otherwise. It is Chinese rockets that land on our positions in Iraq and Afghanistan on a nightly basis. Furthermore, the Russians have nothing to gain from such a dangerously aggressive stance. China on the other hand is bent on opposing, and undermining, US power in every region including our own backyard.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Fr Robert Altier points out that the struggle isn'tnecessarily right vs left, but good vs evil. War is upon us. Which way western man? "There is no middle ground"

Friday, December 18, 2020

Rubio shows his support for the Biden faction. I always suspected Rubio of being a part of the Establishment. I got a bad feeling the first time that I saw him. He had that slimy, Coral Gables law student look to him. I voted for the guy, but it was only because, as usual, the Republican Party did not give me much of a choice.

General Flynn Interview

This interview includes footage of Biden lying about the Obama administration's investigation of the General, and his take on martial law.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

This video shows a policeman blocking Republican electors from doing their jobs. This is a wake up call for those of you who keep saying that the cops and military are on our side.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Despair in the Ranks

It seems as if most political commentators have giving up on the President. Everywhere one looks he reads articles full of despair or a healthy dose of "realism" proclaiming the incoming Biden administration. This is a clear sign that the old conservative establishment has failed. Perhaps the most telling recent examples are Rush Limbaugh's take on the election and Victor Davis Hansen's recent article. I have to admit that Rush Limbaugh waving the white flag bugged me, but not as much as Victor D. Hanson's recent piece. I've admired Hanson's work on the state of the Classics (Who Killed Homer) and military history for decades. His seeming acceptance of the obvious corruption displayed during this election felt like a stab in the back. A true nationalist would be calling for resistance, hope at the least. Just remember boys, keep your powder dry, and keep a "stiff upper lip." Sooner or later, this empire will collapse and sink into the depths of history. We're just bailing water at this point so that a few more woman and children can make it to the lifeboats before it all goes down.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Known communist, and CIA paper pusher, John Brennan called for the immediate removal of President Trump from office. He claimed to be worried about what damage the President might cause before he leaves. It's obvious that the Deep State is worried. They know that we're on to their attempt to steal the 2020 election. They understand that the longer the investigation into election fraud, the fewer votes Biden and his fellow China whores will recieve. They see that the President is conducting a purge of disloyal actors, and know that they're next on the chopping block.

Monday, November 9, 2020

NASA's Big Tool

The sooner we we are rid of weak willed, and RINO Republicans the better. NASA head Jim Bridenstine is leaving his post so Joe Biden can choose a person he "trusted" to fill the role, according to Aviation Week. "The right question here is 'What's in the best interest of NASA as an agency, and what's in the best interest of America's exploration program?'" Bridenstine said. "For that, what you need is somebody who has a close relationship with the president of the United States. You need somebody who is trusted by the administration. "I think that I would not be the right person for that in a new administration. "We've had a lot of success, but it's because of relationships. "You have to have those relationships. Whoever the president is, they have to have somebody they know and trust and somebody the administration trusts. "That person is not going to be me." Bridenstine a former Republican congressman from Oklahoma who served from 2012 to 2018. As an appointee of President Donald Trump, he began working as the NASA administrator in 2018. Bridenstine set a goal for NASA to return to the moon by the end of the decade, making it the first trip since the 1970s. Read Newsmax: Newsmax - Breaking News | News Videos | Politics, Health, Finance Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now!

Recounts & Corruption

According to Newsmax, the President will be holding rallies. He plans to illustrate some of the corruptionthat took place with the mail in ballots. Hopefully, this will expose some of the corrupt players in the DNC, and lead to arrests. The rotten DNC election machine must be smashed.

Friday, November 6, 2020

The 2020 US presidential election illustrated the widespread corruption of the American political system, and the weakness of western Man. A republic is only as good as the men who compose its citizenry. Good men would not conduct, nor tolerate such corruption. They would also take action to remove corrupt politicians and their servants. Very little has been done to rectify the blatant evil acts of the establishment. Many men look to their hapless leaders to reform the system instead of taking the necessary actions themselves. Bad men make for bad governments. You get the government that you deserve.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Q & the Media

The US media is a mouthpiece of the global left. This is made evident by their two pronged attack on Qanon (Q). They deny Q's existence, and ridicule anyone who seems to consider it a valid news source. Meanwhile, they ask the President to disavow the movement. If Q were not a threat to the establishment, then they wouldn't be so concerned with its existence.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Another Sino-Indian War

The Chinese placed 60,000 troops on their border with India. it is well past time to cut economic ties with China and rebuild our industrial heartland.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The FBI is at it Again

The FBI is at it again. We're supposed to believe that a few guys in a militia, and not federal agents, were planning to kidnap a Governor. We're not supposed to remember the long list of similar plots that turned out to be orchestrated by the FBI or BATF. We’re also supposed to ignore the fact that these operations are always blamed on White, right-wing extremists, and not the leftists who always carry out anti-government operations.

Friday, September 25, 2020

The Weak Thrive

It is obvious that here in the West the weak survive in disproportionately high numbers. In fact, not only do they survive, but they thrive. This is evident when one looks to academia, the media, and local governments. Influential, and even powerful positions are held by aliens, feminists, and all manner of heretics. Those parasites have conditioned their host in order to create environments favorable to their survival. They use the media, economics, and laws against hate speech to accomplish this. They build up bastions and spread their infection amongst the strong. We must cleanse this infection of the body politic, or perish. It's just that simple.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Is China Funding Biden?

A recent Foxnews article described millions of dollars sent to the DNC by ActBlue. Half of the donors were listed as unemployed. This looks like a trend. Biden's cohort, Hillary Clinton received millions from an empty warehouse in Chinatown. Bill Clinton received millions after illegally selling ICBM technology to China. I'm guessing that the Chi-coms are funneling money to Biden through this NPO.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

I'm almost done watching season two of the Umbrella Academy. Have you ever heard of Satanic Inversion? Make what is good seem evil. Make what is evil seem good. Yeah, that's pretty much the core of this show. Save yourself some aggravation, and skip it.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Terrible Beauty is Born

War, hatred, and conflict are a base, yet natural part of human existence. Indeed. History is a tale of conflict. Perhaps the most terrible of such conflicts are civil wars. Think of the suffering endured by the people of the Roman, and American Republics during their social wars. Recall the Troubles in Ireland where civilians were gunned down by their own military. Look to the Balkans for a relatively recent example of such horrors. One might even view the Great War (1914-1918) as an instance of such fratricidal events. One should keep in mind these instances of societal madness while viewing reports from places like Oregan and Washington.

The globalist Left has sparked a flame that threatens to engulf the nation. Many have seen the recent riots as merely another instance, or perhaps a continuation of the violence of the Civil Rights era. The current conflict, however, is different. There are very few actual differences between the combatants. While many of the agitators, especially in BLM, are black there are numerous left wing Whites taken part in the street fights. The main difference is ideological in nature. That means that there are no uniforms, or differences in dialect to help the combatants discern friend from foe.

The fact that most people on the Right, and Left share so many cultural, and racial traits means that the fighting will be chaotic. It will be almost impossible to know who to shoot, and who to aid. In plain speak, things could get very messy. Perhaps more terrifying than this, if the violence spreads, the only solution will be the indiscriminate use of military force. The State will be "forced" to crack down on all liberties.

Think about that terrifying possibility for a moment. Consider it before getting involved in any march, or defensive action against the roving mobs. You won't know who your enemy is until after he stabs you in the back. And remember that any action you take, will engender a response from the State. Even defending yourself with force will push this nation further toward being the police state that so many on both sides fear. Only the corrupt globalists will benefit in such a scenario.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Honor Killing

A Muslim man, on the run since 2008, wanted for the honor killing of his two daughters was recently arrested. He killed his girls because they were dating outside of their religion. Wait a second, I thought that diversity was our strength? We have to release him before the NWO/UN calls someone a bigot, or a racist.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

(((Congessmen))) vs Qanon

Two (((congressmen))) in a "bipartisan" move are calling for further censoring of Qanon. This rare example of cooperation between members of the two parties probably has nothing to do with the politicians' ties to the Israel lobby and its opposition to American nationalism.

Streisand effect, engage! US House introduces symbolic bipartisan resolution against QAnon conspiracy theory — RT USA News

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

This article on US wargames points out what most of us already knew. The US can't win a war versus China, nor can it succeed in Europe against Russia.

Monday, August 17, 2020

A Chinese born agent, working for the CIA, was accused of selling secret documents to the Chinese government. The suspect and one of his relatives who assisted him were both born in China. Still, these men hreceived security clearances that granted them access to covert information. A nation serious about its safety wouldn't allow foreigners to have access to sensitive information. One can only assume that a fear of being labeled as racists had something to do with these idiotic hiring practices.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Deep State Dominos

This looks promising. Hopefully, the dominoes are starting to fall. It would have been nice if we could have gutted the Deep State at least a few months before the 2020 election, but I guess this is better than nothing.

India/China Trade War

India will no longer allow Chinese owned vessels to carry Indian gas, or oil. It isn't clear if this is part of a broader economic struggle. The US already took some steps in realigning global trade with China. Also, this comes weeks after a skirmish with Chinese forces on the nation's northern border.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Q Views as Baseless

I didn't think that Q was real until after I noticed that every news story that I've seen referred to the their claims as baseless. Also, note how they have treated this politician simply because one of her claims was linked to Q:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The narrative: Joe Biden still can't decide on a running mate.

Reality: no one wants to ruin their future in politics by running with Joe Biden.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Small groups of moderate and right leaning individuals are reacting to the threat posed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM)9+547. Incidents in which counter-protestors are taking the fight to the Marxists are becoming common. This trend can be traced as far back as the Battle for Berkeley (2017) during which mostly pro-Trump marchers took on, and routed, communist forces in the vicinity of that University. More recently a group of pro-police counter-protestors took on a group of radicals in Colorado in a violent confrontation. Such street fights are reminiscent of those that took place in Germany during the Weimer Republic (1918-1933). While there are, of course, many differences between Interwar Germany (1919-1939) and the modern US, there are also numerous similarities. In both cases groups of moderate civilians and right-leaning veterans took on mobs of leftists in brutal street fights. Germany's radicals, like those in the US, were funded by foreign communists. In both examples the conflicts took place after a military conflict, and during a period of economic decline. There are other similarities. The Germans were dealing with numerous problems caused by the Great War (1914-1918). Inflation and debt caused a breakdown of the economy leaving young men desperate, and with few prospects. Similarly, modern Americans are dealing with the effects of a twenty year "police action" in Central Asia and the Middle East. The economy is struggling, and young men are finding it increasingly difficult, if not impossible to support a family. Wall Street might be doing well, but Main Street is in ruin. Obviously, the situations are not identical, but I agree with the idea that "history might not repeat, but it rhymes." The US debt currently stands at over twenty-six trillion USD. Sooner or later the US economy will implode. The foreign conflicts will have to end simply out of economic necessity. The veterans will return and find a destitute nation where they will not be able to find jobs. The current street fights will intensify. Eventually, Americans will wake from their drug and TV induced dream. They will realize that they are little more than cattle on a ranch run by a small group of foreigners. The farce of democracy will end, and a great man will rise to power. This will be a disaster for both those who still believe in the Constitution, and America's domestic enemies. While the Weimer Republic died through a relatively peaceful legal process, the demographic situation in the US means that its collapse will likely be a bloody affair. As much as they decry the President's executive actions, the Left hasn't experienced true tyranny yet. President Trump, while an effective leader, simply doesn't have the power, nor the will to carry out the policies necessary to right this ship. It is going to take a Francisco Franco, Mussolini, or Pinochet to right this economy. The day will come in which the Left will look back fondly on the relatively pleasant presidency of Donald J. Trump.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Global State vs Church

The Supreme Court ruled that Nevada casinos may remain open, while churches must close.

The globalists will keep pushing until they push it too far, and recoil in terror as they witness vengeful nationalists yelling the words: "God Wills it!"

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

LA Police Gangs

You know that you're in a failed state when the police start forming violent gangs.

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Enemy Within

The US is moving toward a period of internal strife. This new paradigm could be an economic upheaval, a civil war, a major war with China, or a combination. The nation is full of aliens, and traitors. These people could constitue a fifth column. Some of these hostiles are recent arrivals, but many have been here for generations.

The nation's enemies entrenched themselves in law, academia, and the media. They have worked for generations in an attempt impoverish, and otherwise undermine the American people. These people are easy to identify. They should be rounded up, and deported. This will save us all a great deal of pain in the near future.

NYT 1619 Project

The 1619 Project is about as anti-American as it gets. The NYT, and all the schools that support it, should be defunded, and have their staffs purged. Even this, however, is too little, too late. The kids have already been brainwashed by the Left to hate America, and even themselves.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Protestor Exchange

  • It might make sense to swap protesters between China, and the US. Protestors in Portland want left-wing tyranny. Give it to them. Send them to China. We can exchange them for the people seeking a freer life in China. It would be a win-win for the US.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Are we supposed to believe that a lawyer shot the Federal Judge, left a gun near the scene, and then shot himself with another gun? Okay.

Fed Judge Attacked

The family of a Federal Judge named Esther Alas were attacked in their home. Alas' son and husband were shot during the attack. 

This attack probably had nothing to do with her being appointed by Obama, or her work on several corruption cases including one involving Jeffery Epstein.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Roger Stone Article

I came across a link to this Roger Stone article  on another blog. It is worth reading.

Another one bites the dust

Congressman John Lewis of Georgia died earlier today.

The servants of the anti-American Oligarchy are dropping like flies. Some are being voted out, others, like Lewis, are dying of old age and disease. Hopefully, we will be reading a similar story about Ginsburg sometime before the end of President Trump's second term.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Eliot Engel, a prominent member of the DNC, was just knocked out in the primaries by the nearly unknown radical, Jamall Bowman. It's lose/lose for America, both of these men are enemies of our nation. Still, one can't help but laugh at the sight of these radicals turning on their creators. The extreme Left, and the invaders invited in by these globalists are voting for people who are not part of the Establishment. These politically weaponized foreigners who were meant to offset the voting power of real Americans are actually eating away at the power base of the Left.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Know Who Rules You

Know Who Rules You. A black entertainer named Nick Cannon was recently qouted in an interview in which he insulted both Whites, and Jews. He was fired, and forced to apologize. Of course, he only apologized to the Jews. He maintained his stance on what he termed the "barbaric" and "cowardly" Whites.

Remember, "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Rewards of Tolerance

A New York City police official, Terrance Monahan, was injured by a violent protestor while aiding in an arrest earlier today (15JUL2020). Monahan was one of the Quislings who "took a knee" in front of rioters earlier this month. If Monahan was expecting to be spared by the mob for his cowardly act, he was obviously mistaken.

This incident reminds one of a fictional proverb: "The rewards of tolerance are treachery, and death."

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ruth Ginsberg is in the hospital again. This could be the end for her. Probably not. Evil has a way of lingering on the Material Plane
 of Existence.

Monday, July 13, 2020

US War with China?

The US is currently challenging China's territorial claims in the South China Sea. The provocation was both verbal, and physical in nature. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described China's policies as "unlawful." Meanwhile, two US Navy carrier groups have been conducting training operations in the region.

Such provocations could end badly for the American Empire. The US is heavily in debt. It can't afford a war. It is also overextended in the Middle East, and Central Asia. A new large scale conflict would require serious resources which the nation simply does not possess. Most US industry has been shipped to China thanks to globalists and free trade zealots.  Add to this the problem of logistics. US forces would rely on unreliable allies, or vulnerable supply lines that are thousands of miles long. Simply put, the Chinese have almost all of the advantages.

Indeed, winning a conventional  war against China would be more difficult than any war in US history. The Americans face numerous challenges. The Chinese would be fighting in their own backyard. The Chinese have spent decades preparing for such a conflict. They have a massive army, and in a pinch would be able to draft a conscript force larger than the US population. The Chinese could also rely on a massive fifth column within the US. They have over three million people in America. The Chinese have taken control of the Panama Canal, and important resources throughout much of Africa, and Latin America.

The theatre of operations itself would prove challenging for the US. The Chinese built and hardened a number of artificial islands in the South Sea. Chinese aircraft can easily operate from those artificial islands for weeks without being resupplied from the mainland. The Chinese have developed a web of defenses which some planners think might be capable of detecting US stealth aircraft. Most threatening, the Chinese have developed "carrier killers." These anti-ship missiles are capable of sinking American aircraft carriers. The loss of even a single carrier would constitute a major loss of US power and prestige.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The New York Times (NYT) admitted that their Russia/Taliban story was a lie. The story claiming that the Russians were paying the Taliban bounties for dead US troops was an effective piece of propaganda. It served to undermine public perception of the Trump administration, the peace process, and US-Russian relations. Furthermore, it  engendered the fear of another impeachment trial. Luckily, it didn't work.

This isn't the first time that the "Paper of Record" has been caught manufacturing news. The fact that anyone still takes the NYT seriously is difficult to believe. They have repeatedly shown themselves to be an illegitimate news source. It's far past time to relegate the paper, and most legacy media, to the ash heap of history.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Crow/Cheney Amendment

Congress recently showed its true colors. Democrat and Republican legislators voted to counter President Trump's policy objectives, and keep US troops in both Afghanistan, and Germany. The congressmen cited human rights concerns for the former, and the threat of Russia for the latter.

Surely, the Establishmnet's hatred of the President is one of the main reasons behind this "bi-partisan: legislation.  There is, however, more to this matter. This legislation is meant to hurt the US. It is an effort to keep the nation's military overextended. It also means that the nation will continue to bleed both men and treasure. This is a criminal endeavor, and it should be treated as such.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Russia Consolidates Power

It looks like having stabilized his own power by being elected President for life, President Vladimir Putin is doing the same for his nation. The recent amendments to the Russian Constitution are aimed at ensuring that the disastrous break-up that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union will not be repeated. This is a positive development. The West will need a strong Russia, UK, and Europe in order to help counter China's "peaceful growth" toward super-power status.

Link to relevant article:

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

According to The Chicago Sun Times, at least eighteen people were shot in Chicago yesterday (30JUN2020). That's about twice as many casualties as those sustained by Afghan security forces on one of their worst days last month. Those eighteen shootings were only a small fraction of the nearly five hundred that have taken place since the first of January. This means that Chicago is a far deadlier place than one of the most hellish warzones on the planet. This is bad news, but there is a silver lining.

This violence demonstrates the weakness of the DNC. In a recent article Investor's Business Daily pointed out that cities like Chicago, and Detroit have been run by the Left for decades. Chicago has been a DNC stronghold since at least the 1930s. It should be made clear to the denizens of those cities that there are alternatives. As President Trump stated, what do they have to lose?

Monday, June 29, 2020

War vs Asiatics

I am reading Donald R. Hickey's book, The War of 1812. I am struck by how similar fighting 19th century Native Americans was to the 20th century conflicts versus Asiatics. The Natives had no respect for the laws of war. They tortured, and murdered prisoners; even women and children. They set buildings full of wounded men on fire. Life meant very little to them.

Anyone who has read about the US wars against Japan, Korea, and China will recognize these practices as common to most non-western enemies. The Japanese cut the heads off of British and American POWs. The Koreans burned wounded men alive. And the Vietnamese tortured anyone that they got their hands on.  This should be a stark warning of what our next war against China will look like. To quote a popular sci-fi film, "Just nuke the site from orbit."

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Bookstores are Anti-Male

Bookstores are part of the problem. I recently walked through a major bookstore. The military history section had almost no books on the topic. The US history section was full of anti-American works. The young adults section was full of literature meant to empower girls. There was nothing for young males. There was even a Scooby Doo book that was devoid of male characters including Scooby Doo!

This is a consequence of both the dumbing down of education, and the war on men. This is part of the reason why the radicals are destroying statues. It is also one of the reasons why so many young men have become lost, and suicidal. These stores are part of the problem.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Modern historians can not be trusted to do their jobs. They are no longer scholars, but Marxist propagandists. Instead of biography, war, and diplomacy  they focus on race, gender, and post-modern theory. Furthermore, they no longer seek out truth, but eschew it in favor of pushing their ideology. This, according to one of my former professors (a Cuban, Marxist, Jew) has been their policy since the end of the Second World War.

These activists now run "the Academy" and do not allow dissent. They only hire good little Marxists, and moral deviants. This sad paradigm means that history is no longer a useful field of academic study. Instead of learning from the mistakes of great men, and the collapse of empires, modern historians learn about how it felt to grow up as a female slave on a plantation, or what it meant to be a textile worker during the Civil War.

There is no point in studying history in college. The modern academic historian is about as useless as the lesbian sociologist who studied gay teens in the outskirts of Moscow. There is no longer anything useful to be learned in this field. Read on your own. Focus on great leaders, and state relations. Avoid reading any history book written after the 1950s. Maybe then, you'll get something useful out of the subject.

Monday, June 22, 2020

I was surprised when I read about the number of murders that took place in Chicago over the weekend of 20-21JUN2020. At least sixteen people were killed, and about thirty were injured. Two of those people were shot in the head during a drive-by. Hitting two targets in the head from a moving vehicle is the work of a very lucky, or expert shooter. Let's hope that it was luck. The alternative might be a bit too troubling for me to handle on a Monday. The most astonishing part of the story, however, was Mayor Lori Lightfoot's (aparently no relation to Gordon Lightfoot) response to the Governor's mobilization of a small number of National Guardsmen.

Apparently, the Mayor was more concerned with the "optics" of soldiers on the streets of Chicago, than with all that blood flowing down the storm drains. This is Clown World. In any sane society, this ineffectual politician would have been removed from office. Also, more would be done in order to protect the civilian population. There would be more troops on the streets, and the police would be making mass arrests of suspected gang members.

Of course, we can't do this because we live in a polite, democratic society. It doesn't matter that there is nothing polite about America, that this was never a democracy (a synonym for mob rule), and that the Republic collapsed in 1865. Still, we have to pretend that these events do not demand a serious response because decisive action might hurt the feelings of a politician that is little more than an affirmative action appointee, and the sentiments of her voters (a mob that really shouldn't even be allowed to vote).

Here is a link to the story:

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Iconoclasts

The recent attacks on statues of men like Columbus, Churchill, and Lee represent a form of cultural terrorism. The perpetrators are trying to erase history with the ultimate goal of destroying western Man. These people are criminals of the lowest order. They should be treated as looters during a riot. We must pass legislation making it legal for good citizens to shot those curs on sight.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Ugly Left

I think it was Aristotle who pointed out that nature makes evil things ugly. I'm not sure if this could be considered a universal truth, but it certainly holds true with the people I see on the Left. These people hold some pretty ugly beliefs. For example, they often speak of a breaking a few eggs, or achieving their goals by "any means necessary." This usually means putting any competent person in a gulag, or up against a wall. Ever notice that the people preaching this hatred usually look like they were pulled out of the oven a few months too early? They're usually rather hideous in appearance. Just think back to all those fat, short-haired lesbians yelling toward the sky in D.C. during president Trump's inauguration. Or all the soy boys swinging bike locks at peaceful counter-protesters. Make no mistake, Marxism, and post-modern theory are evil ideologies practiced by abhorrent individuals who, in a sane world, would never have survived adolescence.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The recent Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots represent attacks on US sovereignty. They also demonstrate the duplicity of the Oligarchy.

The War Between the States (1861-1865) claimed  the lives of over 600,000 combatants, left cities in ruin, and devastated the South's economy so thoroughly that it took the region over a century to recover. This war was fought over property rights. And its first shots were the result of a disagreement over who had the right to occupy federal land. The US government has repeatedly demonstrated its resistance to ceding land.

Recently, the Federal Government deployed troops against ranchers over a dispute concerning the grazing of livestock on public land. Snipers were deployed and the ranchers were threatened with death over a legal argument. Yet, the political class not only allowed a handful of radicals to seize entire neighborhoods, but urged them on during the recent George Flyod riots.

What is the difference? It's simple. One group stood against the ruling class and their goals, while the radicals in places like Seattle serve the aims of the Oligarchy. Legally, there is little  difference between southerner soldiers pushing Fedral troops out of Fort Sumpter, and drug crazed radicals forcing police out of their stations. Actually, the Confederates had more of a right to do what they did than the modern anarchists did. At least the southern states were legitimate political entities.