Monday, June 29, 2020

War vs Asiatics

I am reading Donald R. Hickey's book, The War of 1812. I am struck by how similar fighting 19th century Native Americans was to the 20th century conflicts versus Asiatics. The Natives had no respect for the laws of war. They tortured, and murdered prisoners; even women and children. They set buildings full of wounded men on fire. Life meant very little to them.

Anyone who has read about the US wars against Japan, Korea, and China will recognize these practices as common to most non-western enemies. The Japanese cut the heads off of British and American POWs. The Koreans burned wounded men alive. And the Vietnamese tortured anyone that they got their hands on.  This should be a stark warning of what our next war against China will look like. To quote a popular sci-fi film, "Just nuke the site from orbit."


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