Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Ugly Left

I think it was Aristotle who pointed out that nature makes evil things ugly. I'm not sure if this could be considered a universal truth, but it certainly holds true with the people I see on the Left. These people hold some pretty ugly beliefs. For example, they often speak of a breaking a few eggs, or achieving their goals by "any means necessary." This usually means putting any competent person in a gulag, or up against a wall. Ever notice that the people preaching this hatred usually look like they were pulled out of the oven a few months too early? They're usually rather hideous in appearance. Just think back to all those fat, short-haired lesbians yelling toward the sky in D.C. during president Trump's inauguration. Or all the soy boys swinging bike locks at peaceful counter-protesters. Make no mistake, Marxism, and post-modern theory are evil ideologies practiced by abhorrent individuals who, in a sane world, would never have survived adolescence.


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