Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Historians or Propagandists

Modern historians can not be trusted to do their jobs. They are no longer scholars, but Marxist propagandists. Instead of biography, war, and diplomacy  they focus on race, gender, and post-modern theory. Furthermore, they no longer seek out truth, but eschew it in favor of pushing their ideology. This, according to one of my former professors (a Cuban, Marxist, Jew) has been their policy since the end of the Second World War.

These activists now run "the Academy" and do not allow dissent. They only hire good little Marxists, and moral deviants. This sad paradigm means that history is no longer a useful field of academic study. Instead of learning from the mistakes of great men, and the collapse of empires, modern historians learn about how it felt to grow up as a female slave on a plantation, or what it meant to be a textile worker during the Civil War.

There is no point in studying history in college. The modern academic historian is about as useless as the lesbian sociologist who studied gay teens in the outskirts of Moscow. There is no longer anything useful to be learned in this field. Read on your own. Focus on great leaders, and state relations. Avoid reading any history book written after the 1950s. Maybe then, you'll get something useful out of the subject.


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