Sunday, June 14, 2020

The recent Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots represent attacks on US sovereignty. They also demonstrate the duplicity of the Oligarchy.

The War Between the States (1861-1865) claimed  the lives of over 600,000 combatants, left cities in ruin, and devastated the South's economy so thoroughly that it took the region over a century to recover. This war was fought over property rights. And its first shots were the result of a disagreement over who had the right to occupy federal land. The US government has repeatedly demonstrated its resistance to ceding land.

Recently, the Federal Government deployed troops against ranchers over a dispute concerning the grazing of livestock on public land. Snipers were deployed and the ranchers were threatened with death over a legal argument. Yet, the political class not only allowed a handful of radicals to seize entire neighborhoods, but urged them on during the recent George Flyod riots.

What is the difference? It's simple. One group stood against the ruling class and their goals, while the radicals in places like Seattle serve the aims of the Oligarchy. Legally, there is little  difference between southerner soldiers pushing Fedral troops out of Fort Sumpter, and drug crazed radicals forcing police out of their stations. Actually, the Confederates had more of a right to do what they did than the modern anarchists did. At least the southern states were legitimate political entities.


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