Monday, August 10, 2020

Small groups of moderate and right leaning individuals are reacting to the threat posed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM)9+547. Incidents in which counter-protestors are taking the fight to the Marxists are becoming common. This trend can be traced as far back as the Battle for Berkeley (2017) during which mostly pro-Trump marchers took on, and routed, communist forces in the vicinity of that University. More recently a group of pro-police counter-protestors took on a group of radicals in Colorado in a violent confrontation. Such street fights are reminiscent of those that took place in Germany during the Weimer Republic (1918-1933). While there are, of course, many differences between Interwar Germany (1919-1939) and the modern US, there are also numerous similarities. In both cases groups of moderate civilians and right-leaning veterans took on mobs of leftists in brutal street fights. Germany's radicals, like those in the US, were funded by foreign communists. In both examples the conflicts took place after a military conflict, and during a period of economic decline. There are other similarities. The Germans were dealing with numerous problems caused by the Great War (1914-1918). Inflation and debt caused a breakdown of the economy leaving young men desperate, and with few prospects. Similarly, modern Americans are dealing with the effects of a twenty year "police action" in Central Asia and the Middle East. The economy is struggling, and young men are finding it increasingly difficult, if not impossible to support a family. Wall Street might be doing well, but Main Street is in ruin. Obviously, the situations are not identical, but I agree with the idea that "history might not repeat, but it rhymes." The US debt currently stands at over twenty-six trillion USD. Sooner or later the US economy will implode. The foreign conflicts will have to end simply out of economic necessity. The veterans will return and find a destitute nation where they will not be able to find jobs. The current street fights will intensify. Eventually, Americans will wake from their drug and TV induced dream. They will realize that they are little more than cattle on a ranch run by a small group of foreigners. The farce of democracy will end, and a great man will rise to power. This will be a disaster for both those who still believe in the Constitution, and America's domestic enemies. While the Weimer Republic died through a relatively peaceful legal process, the demographic situation in the US means that its collapse will likely be a bloody affair. As much as they decry the President's executive actions, the Left hasn't experienced true tyranny yet. President Trump, while an effective leader, simply doesn't have the power, nor the will to carry out the policies necessary to right this ship. It is going to take a Francisco Franco, Mussolini, or Pinochet to right this economy. The day will come in which the Left will look back fondly on the relatively pleasant presidency of Donald J. Trump.


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