Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Despair in the Ranks

It seems as if most political commentators have giving up on the President. Everywhere one looks he reads articles full of despair or a healthy dose of "realism" proclaiming the incoming Biden administration. This is a clear sign that the old conservative establishment has failed. Perhaps the most telling recent examples are Rush Limbaugh's take on the election and Victor Davis Hansen's recent article. I have to admit that Rush Limbaugh waving the white flag bugged me, but not as much as Victor D. Hanson's recent piece. I've admired Hanson's work on the state of the Classics (Who Killed Homer) and military history for decades. His seeming acceptance of the obvious corruption displayed during this election felt like a stab in the back. A true nationalist would be calling for resistance, hope at the least. Just remember boys, keep your powder dry, and keep a "stiff upper lip." Sooner or later, this empire will collapse and sink into the depths of history. We're just bailing water at this point so that a few more woman and children can make it to the lifeboats before it all goes down. https://amgreatness.com/2020/11/22/a-time-of-chaos-upon-chaos-atop-chaos/


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